
Jan 3, 2017

david and i began the tradition (on our honeymoon and first new year together) to write a list of goals. more than just new years resolutions, it's a chance to really reflect on the past year of our marriage, our own personal growth, our family and more. to re-evaluate unrealistic expectations while also holding ourselves to a higher standard for the following year.

most of those goals are related to the relational, spiritual and financial aspects of our marriage, stuff that has to do with the both of us (and now our little babes). but i thought it would be good to jot down a list for strictly myself: woman, mother, on the brink of turning 25.

even in the hardest days when i am crying in the corner i feel like i have won the lottery as a stay at home mum. it's hard to describe to non-parents, but becoming a parent is truly the most fulfilling thing i have done in this lifetime. i remember nannying and being so relieved when the parents would get home, so thankful i didn't have to take care of kids 24/7. ha! i couldn't have been more wrong.

i think hadley and i have done pretty well these last almost two years, and yet i think--no, i know--there are some things i want to change to have our home be a more healthy, educational, peaceful and productive environment.

1. switch off the tv, hide the phone (we're actually trying to sell our tv, anyone want it!?)

2. get outside

3. quit cursing (rolling my eyes that this one is even an issue, but just being honest!)

4. turn complaining into thanksgiving

5. make (rather than buy) cleaning/laundry/hygiene products

6. establish daily/weekly rhythms: good for my soul and my babies

7. get lost in books, often

8. brush up on sewing/knitting

9. write more letters (pen pals, anyone?)

10. craft more

11. random acts of service

12. mission: potty train hadley before baby girl #2

13. stop comparing/worrying about what other mamas are doing and do your best

there are so many other things i am looking forward to, hoping and praying toward for 2017 but these are some of the big ones i really wanna nail down. anyone else have goals for the new year that aren't 'exercise more' or 'eat healthier?' what's important to you??


  1. 1) you're amazing
    2) I have a super simple (natural) recipe for deodorant that'll be good for you especially while you're pregnant! Just let me know if you want it! Also have ones for coughs, headaches, aches/cramps, indigestion, face toner and an a roller ball recipe that has been helping with my depression!



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