on loving yourself: tips for self-care

Mar 17, 2017

here i am sitting in a quiet apartment, cozied up under a blanket with my second cup of coffee steaming within arms reach, a typical nap time scene for me. it has slowly but surely become my sanctuary where i recharge, reflect and rest.

so much has happened since finding myself deep in the throes of motherhood. from struggling with postpartum depression and severe loneliness, to coping with an ever-changing body it's been a long and difficult two years.

us mothers, us wives, us women: we are deep deep wells. we give and give, pour ourselves out dry. we cook and clean and nurture and nurse. we kiss owies and pack lunches, we encourage our significant others on their way out the door. we pick up the socks that were left right next to the laundry, fold the shirts in the drawers, for the millionth time. we sing and rock our babies to sleep, we dry tears and calm the husband's nerves. we go to bed spent, tired, many times completely empty. and we wake to do it all again.

ivory chiffon dress by pink blush maternity

i used to think that self-care was selfish--that being a mother and wife meant everlasting selflessness, constant sacrifice, undiscriminatory giving. which is when the burnouts and breakdowns began.

wells can only keep giving if they themselves are full-- of water, of life.

we, women--we are the same. we must refill. we must recharge. in order to better care for and love the ones around us--children, spouses, dear friends alike--we must care for ourselves.

so what does this look like? in a world hectic and busy and full of scheduled drop-offs and pick-ups and never ending tidying up, what in the world does this look like?

for me, lately, it is simple. and for me, it has taken a whole two years of figuring this out. that this isn't selfish, but rather necessary.

i'd like to think of self-care being broken into three categories: spiritual, emotional and physical. of course you could break it up however you want but i think it's important to know that we are complicated, intricate humans made up of a vast array of parts--for me, these are my main three. categorize it how you like, but just hear this: this isn't selfish. this is important. if you don't have time, you can make time.

about a month ago i awoke to the realization that something needed to change. my eyes were puffy and cheeks were stained with tears of mascara from the night prior. i decided enough was enough. so i created a schedule for myself.

surprisingly i have been sticking to it: waking up between 5:30 and 6 each day with a warm cup of coffee and being productive during that time has been a life-saver. using hadley's naps with a purpose has been a life-changer. letting david know a few times a week that i need to shut the door while i take a bath that night (because us mamas can literally go nowhere alone) has been so life-giving.

after talking with some friends and also seeing what works for me, here is a list i've come up with on ideas to help get you going on your self-care journey.

s p i r i t u a l
  • prayer: i just love what rob bell has to say about prayer...sometimes the most profound prayers we could pray is simply "here, you take it."
  • meditation: create space, learn how to just be in this moment
  • devotions: i have been loving jesus calling lately but there are so so many out there.
  • yoga: both spiritual and physical, but man, i get chills and feel so free when i practice.
e m o t i o n a l
  • journal: often times i find that the act of writing out what i am feeling, can help me learn more about myself or even realize that i am being ridiculous. seeing my thoughts and feelings on paper and being able to step back almost as a third party witness does wonders.
  • counseling: i truly believe counseling is for everyone. we humans were created to be known and to be in relationship. sometimes--oftentimes--talking to a stranger to figure out the deepest crevices of our dark selves is the way to do that. 
  • cry: is it silly that i included this? sometimes for whatever reason i need to cry and don't know why. if i stuff it down deeper into myself it becomes anger and rage. where is this coming from? i'm still on a journey to find out, but i have found that listening to my body and my spirit and giving in and crying has been so cleansing.
  • say no: learning this has been hard and it has this bad stigma attached to it, it seems. but learning to say no is one of the most freeing things you can do for yourself.
  • give yourself grace: i am glad that holding grudges is not something that i do often--with others that is. but when it comes to forgiving myself, being kind and gracious with myself, it's not as easy. this is something i am still working on and probably will be for a while.
  • gratitude: practicing thankfulness is one of the quickest ways i can turn my mood around, quiet my anxiety and calm my heart. so much so in fact that i will be starting a gratitude journal soon where i take time each day to list the littlest of things i am thankful for. also, if you have not read this book, go--now--buy it, read it, scribble on all of the pages. trust me.
p h y s i c a l
  • get dressed: whatever you do, get dressed. staying in my pajamas all day is an automatic set up for feeling lethargic, depressed and purposeless. and when you can, care about what you wear! dress well! being pregnant this has been such a big deal for me. i'm not comfortable in my body, so finding maternity clothes that make me feel beautiful and fresh and alive has been a game changer. 
  • shower: i get it, there are days where this is a stretch. but starting off the day showering before hadley wakes is one of my greatest joys. 
  • workout: i'm rolling my eyes and laughing that i included this because it's a subtle gesture to myself most of all. we all know that it's good for us, to get our blood pumping, and yet we come up with excuse after excuse. just do something little at first. take a brisk walk, do some jumping jacks, dance!
  • get outside: vitamin d, fresh air, nature--these are all fuel for the soul. i've had really bad mornings where nothing seems to be going right. i've stopped what we're doing, scooped up hadley and gone for a quick stroll around the block or to the corner park and i'm telling you it has turned my days around. we were not meant to be indoors all the time.
  • pamper yourself: facemasks, bath bombs, putting makeup on, getting a mani-pedi or even just taking a long bath is good! do not feel guilty for this. not one bit. 
  • declutter & rearrange: i swear that if the environment i live in is a mess, my heart and my spirit is or will likely become a mess as well. it's probably partially because i'm nesting but i have rearranged rooms in our apartment over five times these past two months. and each time it's like a breath of fresh air. also, going through all of our stuff and only keeping what is beautiful and what brings us joy is one of the best things we have ever done. want better not more!
  • put down the phone: unplug. you are not missing out. part of making that schedule i was talking about is only checking email and social media during specific parts of my day; as well as taking some days for sabbath where i don't log on at all. be present with the people in front of you. be present with yourself.

let me know if you do any of these or if there is anything else that truly helps you! happy lovin'!

|| make sure you are following me on instagram. there will be a little giveaway with pink blush going on this weekend that you do not want to miss out on! ||


  1. Self care is so important 🙌🏼 I'm pregnant with my first baby and at first was so discouraged to see my body change (even though growing a little life inside of you is truly beautiful). Throughout my pregnancy a couple things that have really helped me are:
    Staying active, reading my devotions in the morning with a cup of tea or a latte☕️, getting together with other moms/expecting women, putting a little makeup on in the morning even if I'm just staying home, making a goal of accomplishing one thing a day (whether that's baking something, vacuuming or even just getting the laundry folded) and spending intentional quality time with my husband.

  2. Such a good post!! Thrifting is most definitely my self care go to! Even if I don't find anything, just being able to walk around, sip on a coffee and not have to chase after kids is so refreshing!

  3. I think the alone time is huge! I'm 23 weeks in and having time alone has been so needed. But I never thought about how not getting dressed can set myself up for the lazy and dreary feeling that life can bring. I think I will definitely have to try that and see how it goes! And the sunshine. It is so crazy what sunshine can do for a day after we have had the winter season for so long. I had the most amazing day the other day just because the sun was shining. I think that in preparation for my little one I need to be outside enjoying the sun when it shines, taking time to learning to motivate myself/refresh myself so I don't burn out when he gets here. Take time to really evaluate what helps me be the best me for my baby. Thank you for all the ideas!

  4. I really relate to this post, recently mine and my husbands lives were turned upside down while he completed Basic Training and Tech school for the Air force. I was living alone, without much of a routine, doing the whole first trimester thing by myself. I was listless and depressed, and wasn't really sure how to change it.
    It wasn't until I realized the problem was that I had no routine that things started changing for the better.
    Getting a part time job helped me haul myself back on track, and I'm back to doing the things that bring me satisfaction and meaning again. Food prep, spending time outside, and finding creative outlets and hobbies have brought me back from the zombie like state I was living in. This blog post is so spot on about self care, it really is so important and often underlooked for most mothers.

  5. Ah self care! Such a hard thing for a busy mom to do, but so completely necessary! I didn't realize how badly I needed to invest in myself until I was so deep in post partum depression that only Jesus could pull me out. Now that I'm pregnant with my second, I am very intentional about filling myself with God's word and spending time in prayer. Also making sure I occasionally take some time to get ready each morning helps me a lot with my mood.

    Found you from your IG pink blush giveaway. My IG handle is @jess.dear


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